domenica 12 agosto 2007

Il "PopB" di Beatrice Feo Filangeri

Beatrice Feo, palermitana artist veteran from Venice, to short will give beginning to a itinerante extension that, between the others, will touch the cities of Palermo, Naples and Milan. Its works are focused on a pittorico style unfortunately inadequately taken in consideration from the Global Art Promoter, but siccome she has been the French Philippe Daverio scovare the talent of this artist, is right to deepen the work and the nature of its art. With great rigor and essenzialità, Beatrice Feo stirs the experiences lived in turn for the world, condensing them in works pregne of pathos, signs and numbers, words, dates and old storys, what who already made the old cantastorie. It transforms to you in myths of the history, its personages live again in our time like icone sacramentali of roots and of history, not only Italian but also personali.Tra these, we see a Marie Antoinette knelt down on its exiles sometimes legs while it waits for the boia, with a look bewitched and lost entirety, similar to many feminine looks places dinanzi to a destiny incompreso. New creature of the Feo is the roi, Federico II. These sanction the sicialian historical root with the normanni: a boy has become Italian man to Palermo. Beatrice Feo represents it in puts down regale with a falcon between the hands, the look is rasserenante and the dug complexion force and power. The artist amuses in riproporre the historical personages like way and distance of one new vision of the POP Art, fusing the baroque sapore of the raffigurazioni and the cromie with the lessons learned from Gianni Dova and its many travels. The Feo exalts Luigi XVI, Bach, Ulisse, Medea, Narcisogay, Ophelia and others, rendering them icone of our daily paper. It sends back historians come replaced from the expressive and chromatic force of the compositions, becoming therefore "new" and all to discover: they are the raffigurazione of one lost but then repurchased reputation like modern myth, exaltation of million of equal human beings all and different ones in the geniuses and the destinies. E' the story of the world that travels and Beatrice seizes it for the threads of the history, bringing up-to-date all that that we have read on the palermitana libri.19/7/2007Artista is engaged from years to fuse the historical reasons of its earth of origin with the painting that it interprets like story drawing up and where the main print is in rework POP of historical subjects, true and own or myths of the ancient literature. Formula therefore a new defined tradition popbarocco where the fusion between the continuous experimentation of the materials, a figurative print strongly and daughter of the nine hundred produces works where the Feo rimarca the passages of the drawing up with signs, phrases, designs and cromie that in together they send back to the baroque and of it interpret the effect spirit and conjugate the requirement of the rappresentazione with the need of the search of the aesthetic one like imprinting irrenounceable. Beatrice Feo in its recent productions, faces with a series of historical personages the ricontestualizzazione of myths and through also the riproducibilità of the subjects through the choice of only and painted works that they assert one new season of the POP art that faces the quotidianità not with common objects but with the common acquaintance of personages like Luigi XVI, Mariantoniette, Bach, Medea, Federico II, Ulisse, Ophelia, Circe that in all we they send back to the years you drained to us and Beatrice ripropone in shape puts into effect them for one new season of acquaintance of their personal history, that they are metaphor of popular and spendibili history of everyone and therefore for one new dimension of the painting. of Giovanni Nappa

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